suggest a #bitsyjam theme for september!

summer is over, fall begins, and the end of the month approaches…

it’s time to post your suggestions for the jam theme in the comments! <3


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thanks for the suggestions y'all!

just put the poll up:


vast blue forest

(1 edit)

– a light in the dark – spooky – shadows


- shadow
- haunting
- the woods


- Unity 

- Craft 

- Collective


- Together
- Work


- resting
- mushrooms
- rainy


hot drinks, coffee, caffeine

- Cycles


(1 edit) (+1)
  • Dungeon-crawling
  • Brief adventures
  • Break the rules

- helplessness
- haircut
- old cartoons (pre-2000)

(yes, calling pre-2000 cartoons "old" is painful to me too, but a quarter century seems about right to make that call)

(1 edit)

can't believe it's already been a quarter century since 2000 D:


- repetition

- harvest

- turning