vote for the march #bitsyjam theme!

thanks for the suggestions everyone, let's vote on the theme!

the options are:

  • little things add upπŸ†™
  • murky 🌁
  • unfinished business πŸ“…
  • waterfall πŸ’§

to pick your choice, vote up my corresponding comment below! (please only vote once, and no downvotes, thank you)

I'll tally up votes here and on twitter at 8am (PST) tomorrow ✨


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thanks for voting folks!✨ after adding up the totals from here and on twitter, it looks like "unfinished business" will be theme :)

murky please!



murky 🌁


murky 🌁


i cant wait! this is my first bitsyjam!

yay! hope you have fun :D



murky 🌁


waterfall πŸ’§


unfinished business πŸ“…


murky 🌁


little things add upπŸ†™